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GM Lenderman goes 3-0 at New Albany

Craig Hines | Published on 7/29/2022
GM Alex Lenderman came to New Albany July 22-27 at the invitation of a new Indiana TD/Organizer Daro Mott. He gave exhibitions, lectures, and lessons, and on Sunday played in an 8-man G/90 inc/5 tournament. My friend Dale Pollitt (1926) was invited to play in this, so I went over to New Albany to observe. Also in the tournament were Hoosiers Mohammed Elshazly, Justin Arnold, and TD Mott. Kentucky players Randas Burns, John Marscik, and Nathan Holzmueller rounded out the field.
All of Lenderman's opponents, it seemed to me, were equal, and then suddenly they weren't, as he went 3-0. Arnold came in 2nd with 2.5.
Daro has a lot of enthusiasm and ideas to promote chess, and he and I talked about doing some things. I think he is going to be a good asset for chess in Indiana and Kentucky!

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