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Bob Faust Finishes 1st in the 158th 3 Tables Chess Tournament

Daro Mott | Published on 11/22/2022
Congratulations to Bob Faust for finishing in first place in the 158th 3 Tables Chess Tournament. Bob is an amazing person, gentleman and chess player who made the trip from Nashville, Tennessee.

Josh Smith earned second place in the open.

Vijay Alagammai Kannan finished in first place in the U1900 section. Aiden Goodwin and Wade Wilson tied for second place.

Upcoming Events organized by the Launch Louisville Chess Club:

1. Lookout for an online tournament this week. I’ll post details on the Launch Facebook Group

2. The next G/25 and in person blitz tournaments take place on 12/4. Use this link to pre register and learn more details about the event.

3. The next G/90 tournament takes place on 12/18.

4. Don’t forget to register and play in the Kentucky Bourbon Classic Chess Tournament on 1/15!